Projects & Grants

Motivation, expectations and fulfillment of the needs of persons providing foster care.
Project IdSGS07/FSS/2024
Main solverPhDr. Mgr. Bc. Roman Pospíšil, Ph.D.
Period1/2024 - 12/2024
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
AnotationIn addition to institutional care, substitute family care is one of the options for children whose parents do not care for them for some reason. (Fučík, Sidiropulu Janků, 2019). Foster care, together with foster temporary care and adoption form are the basic form of the state's and society's efforts to take care of these children. In the Czech Republic, the system of substitute family care, especially relative foster care, has a significant base and without the care of relatives, this system would be difficult to manage (Kušnírová, Moldrzyk, Škoda, 2021). According to the last according to statistical data of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic from 2022, there are 11,807 people in the Czech Republic practicing foster care,of which 6,268 were grandparents, 2,004 other relatives and 1,182 other persons ( The activities of children's homes are to be terminated by the end of the year in 2025, and institutional care for children under 3 years of age should be replaced by the care in families (Act No. 363/2021/Coll.). Because of that, it will be necessary to find enough foster parents by that time, so that children can grow up in a family environment. The purpose of the research is to understand foster´s parents internal experiences in their unique at undistorted in the context of their motivation. The main research objective is to find out, describe and analyze the motivation, expectations and fulfillment of the needs of the persons performing foster care. Examining the motivations that lead people to become foster parents can help us to how to target fostering promotion so that we have enough foster families for children, who will need this substitute family care.