
Course title:Communication
Faculty:Faculty of Social Studies
Department:Department of Social Work
Course code:KAM / AKOMU
Level of study:Mgr.
Format of study:Lecture 1 [Hours/Week], Practical classes 1 [Hours/Week]
Name of the lecturer:doc. Mgr. et Mgr. Kateřina Mikulcová, Ph.D. (G)
ISCED F broad:Social sciences, journalism and information
Annotation:Goals of the subject: The aim of the course is to present first the concept of interpersonal communication as a dynamic process of interpersonal interaction and second particular influences on the communication process. Another aim is to treat specific communication phenomena such as manoeuvring and manipulation, persuasion or communication problems and to strengthen students' skills/competencies in active and empathic listening, healthy self-assertion techniques, and communication strategies in conflict resolutions.