Projects & Grants

Social Work and Adverse Childhood Experiences in Youth at Risk in interventions of juvenile probation officers and social workers in juvenile correctional facility.
Project IdSGS05/FSS/2024
Main solverMgr. Marie Pinďáková, DiS.
Period1/2024 - 12/2024
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
AnotationStatistics from the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs show that over 9,000 children were identified as neglected, abused, or sexually abused in 2022. However, estimates suggest that the actual number of children affected may be up to ten times higher (Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, 2023). These figures demonstrate that social workers are encountering this vulnerable demographic more frequently in their work, necessitating increased attention and support. Since research on at-risk youth with adverse childhood experiences is lacking in the Czech Republic, this study seeks to address this gap. Specifically, this project aims to investigate and describe how social workers tackle adverse childhood experiences (trauma) in at-risk youth (social work clients). Corresponding to the main objective, the sub-research questions will be (1) to identify and describe how social workers in correctional institutions work with adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) of young people placed in correctional institutions and (2) to identify and describe the specificities of the work of youth probation officers with a focus on the social work tools used with at-risk young people with ACEs. The data will be processed using thematic analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2006) and the expected contribution will be to understand the issue under study from the perspectives of key stakeholders in order to identify the barriers faced by workers and design interventions to meet the needs of young people at risk in addressing the situation.