Projects & Grants

Social (im)mobility of marginalized youth as a challenge for social work
Project IdSGS01/FSS/2024
Main solverMgr. Zuzana Broskevičová
Period1/2024 - 12/2024
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
AnotationThe project aims to uncover the factors that contribute to the persistence of poverty across generations by understanding the lived experience of poverty of young people and their families. Based on this knowledge, opportunities will be identified for the development of social work strategies that can support the social mobility of marginalised youth. Lived experience is a fundamental source of information for both critical social work (Krumer-Nevo, 2008) and critical qualitative research (Golczyńska-Grondas, 2022), on which the project's methodology is based. The search for new stimuli for working with young people and the development of new strategies to combat poverty are crucial for social work if it wants to be an agent of change in the area of social inequalities in Czech society (Prokop, 2020), which affect the everyday lives of social work clients.