Projects & Grants

Leadership in the context of community work in socio-spatial exclusion
Project IdSGS03/FSS/2024
Main solverMgr. Iveta Kowolová
Period1/2024 - 12/2024
ProviderSpecifický VŠ výzkum
AnotationThe project focuses on the definition of leadership in the context of the community work method, which in the Czech context aims to address the issue of socio-spatial exclusion. Community leadership is an important factor in community work, but it has received very little research attention. An extensive literature review reveals that no one has satisfactorily defined what leadership is, especially in the context of communities. Researchers and practitioners rely on theories that are based on business and managerial notions of leadership, but these are incompatible with the principles of community work, which are based on different value bases. To explore community leadership, we see it as crucial to involve those most affected by the issue, i.e. leaders from communities living in socio-spatial exclusion, in the research process. Research of this focus is conducted 'with people', not 'about people', and seeks knowledge-based change. Involving people with direct experience in the research team and the process of knowledge co-production contributes to their inclusion and addressing power inequalities. The aim of the present collaborative research is to find out how community actors (community workers, community leaders and community residents) understand community leadership in socio-spatial exclusion. The objective will be achieved through participatory action research with community leaders as co-researchers. The research will involve co-creation and co-ownership of the entire research process including research design, research questions, choice of research methods, data collection techniques, data interpretation to dissemination of results. The research findings will be used to understand, define and contextualise community leadership in community work in socio-spatial exclusion and social change in the form of community leadership transformation in socio-spatial exclusion at the micro level.